Wednesday, 2 March 2011

We have moved to thanks to

Please note that this blog will no longer be updated as a result of the move and we would really appreciate it if you visited us at our new home.
Thank you for your continued support.

Friday, 21 January 2011


Greetings guys and ghouls and welcome to our first post of 2011! First of all, a huge thank you to all of you for your amazing support over the last nine months. Not only has our petition reached well over 1300 signatures, the Classic Horror Campaign has also featured on BBC Television's "Points of View" show and been the subject of various magazine articles. I can't even count the amount of websites, blogs and online forums that have focused on our ongoing efforts to bring back BBC2's iconic Horror Double Bill seasons!

But we need to show the BBC this year that we really mean business! If we can reach 2000 signatures on our petition we will present this to the BBC and gain as much publicity as we possibly can over the next few months! We are currently in talks about hosting some live Classic Horror Double Bill screenings in the UK which we would love as many of you to attend as possible. So here is what we need you to do from today!!!

  • Sign our petition - help us reach 2000 signatures!
  • Email the BBC and ask that they start screening primetime Saturday night Horror Double Bill seasons. 
  • Email BBC Points of View.
  • Email the Radio Times.
  • Tweet about the campaign and use the hashtag #classichorrorcampaign
  • Join our ever-growing Facebook Page!
  • Write about the Classic Horror Campaign on your blogs and websites.
  • Tell people about us in any online forums that you use.
  • Email all film magazines and ask them to feature our campaign -  Empire, Total Film, Scream, Gorezone, DVD & Blu-Ray World, Shock Horror, Little White Lies, Electric Sheep and any others you can think of!

So come on everybody! Let's see what classic horror fans can achieve! Bring back BBC2's Horror Double Bills! We CAN make it happen!

Sunday, 28 November 2010



With Christmas fast approaching, what better present could there be for a horror movie fan than for the BBC to Bring Back their iconic Horror Double Bills? So we urge you all to go and sign our petition and get all your friends, family and horror fiends to do the same!
We recently spoke to British Scream Queen Emily Booth who had this to say :

"The classic horror campaign is something I support because I have a huge nostalgia and admiration for the films of Hammer. The British film 'industry' used to have distinctive eras that were quintessentially British such as Hammer and Carry On and they are a slice of history that has ceased to exist. Not only are they wonderful films that captured gothic romance and indeed Britain beautifully but important parts of our history.

It is a shame these kind of films will never be made again as they belong to a different time but we can at least keep them alive by showing beautiful and restored versions of them on TV. Horror has never been so popular - especially with young people but it would be great to remind the new generation of its roots - and to lure them away from endless American remakes, so they can see that British horror had a huge influence on the genre and that the films of Hammer are treasures to be savoured.

These films are not just about nostalgia and looking back, but brilliant reminders that some of the best horror films were made during these times when directors relied on atmosphere, tension, story and character over CGI, fast editing and explosions!"

 We couldn't agree with you more Emily. So everyone please sign the petition, Tweet using the hashtag #classichorrorcampaign, join our Facebook page, mention us in internet forums and write about the campaign on your blogs and websites! The BBC are already taking an interest so we are definately heading in the right direction. Next year we intend to organise some classic horror double bill screenings and officially present our petition to the BBC so the more signatures we have, the better!

All photographs of Emily Booth are copyright and are used with kind permission.

Sunday, 24 October 2010


The Classic Horror Campaign gains more signatures and supporters every day and top British horror film publication "Shock Horror Magazine" features us in their brand new issue two, now available to buy from their website and selected specialist stores. "Shock Horror" covers horror both old and new and this latest issue includes a retrospective on Hammer Films' Christopher Lee, UK animated horror "Mark Macready", an in-depth look at Arrow Video distibutors, video nasties, horror tattoos, a comic strip, tons of dvd and book reviews and a whole lot more. Well worth a look I reckon!
We have also received some superb coverage in the Halloween edition of spooky magazine "Haunted", which is available to buy in WH Smith newsagents as well as from the Haunted website. This magazine looks at all the latest happenings in the world of the paranormal, alongside coverage of ghosts, scary events, horror films and more. This could be a good fun purchase to get you through the Halloween weekend! 
BBC4's excellent "History of Horror" documentary series concludes tomorrow night at 9pm and is followed by a screening of George A Romero's zombie classic "Dawn of the Dead". Please email the BBC, Points of View and Radio Times magazine to let them know how much you've enjoyed this horror season and that you would like to see the return of BBC2's iconic horror double bills. Only by letting them know how you feel will we succeed in our campaign so get emailing today!
Don't forget to encourage your friends and families to sign our petition, join our Facebook Page and support us on Twitter!
Monday, 18 October 2010


I think it's time yet again for all us classic horror fans to rejoice as we score another publicity coup! BBC One's popular Sunday afternoon show "Points of View" ran a piece on classic horror film fans and BBC4's excellent "History of Horror" documentary series on Sunday 17th October. The great news is that our Classic Horror Campaign and petition was prominently featured and portrayed in a positive light. For the next few days, the BBC's interview with Cyberschizoid can be viewed on BBC iPlayer
We have also been featured in issue two of brand new UK horror publication "Shock Horror Magazine" and the widely distributed paranormal magazine "Haunted". Not only that, but the amount of blogs, websites and internet forums featuring the classic horror campaign is growing in leaps and bounds every single day!  Check out some of the links below -

Don't forget that BBC4 continues it's horror season over the next couple of weeks with "History of Horror" parts two and three as well as screenings of "Brides of Dracula" (1960), "The Quatermass Xperiment" (1955) and "Dawn of the Dead" (1978). 
Also please take the time to email the BBC to let them know how much you're enjoying their current horror season and tell them that you want to see more - much more! 

Thursday, 7 October 2010


Looks like the BBC is finally listening to classic horror fans with BBC4's 3-part "History of Horror" series about to air. The documentary is fronted by "League of Gentlemen's" Mark Gatiss and episode one is being screened Monday October 11th at 9pm, with episodes two and three to follow at the same time on 18th and 25th October. Make sure you tune in!
As well as this excellent documentary, BBC4 are also screening some classic horror movies this month! First up is "The Bride of Frankenstein"(1935) which airs straight after episode one of History of Horror at 10pm.
Next is "Cat People" (1942) on October 13th at 10:45pm. A truly atmospheric exercise in suspense, this is still a genuinely frightening motion picture and if you've never seen it, make sure you watch this rare television screening!
"I Walked With a Zombie" (1943) is being shown at midnight on the 14th October so you may need copious amounts of coffee to stay up for this one!
And that's not all! On Monday 11th October, after the "Bride of Frankenstein" screening, there is a documentary called "Transylvania Babylon", which takes a humorous look at movie vampires!
So show your appreciation for these wonderful documentaries and classic movie screenings! The more people who watch these, the bigger chance we have of the BBC bringing back the Horror Double Bill as a regular Saturday night event! Spread the word and email the Beeb to let them know how much we appreciate their dedication to classic horror! Enjoy!
Sunday, 19 September 2010

Don't Faint! We've Reached Over 1000 Signatures!

More fantastic news for our campaign to Bring Back BBC2's Horror Double Bills! Thanks to everyones hard work and support we have now achieved our target of 1000 signatures in our petition! This is an amazing achievement and we can now set our sights even higher - let's see if we can reach 2000!!! This will really make the BBC realise that we are all fed up with the lack of regular primetime horror programming on British television. Don't forget to keep sending those emails and letters to BBC Points of View and the Radio Times as well as heading to the BBC complaints website to make your feelings known.
More great news on the UK horror TV front! In October, BBC4 will be screening a three part documentary "History of Horror" fronted by Mark Gatiss. The first episode will cover Hollywood's Golden Age of horror of the 30's and 40's. Episode two concentrates on the reinvention of the horror film, with it's greater emphasis on sex and gore as exemplified by Britain's Hammer Films. Finally, the last episode looks at the gritty new wave of horror cinema which began with George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" in 1968. The documentary will be supported by various horror movie screenings which have yet to be anounced. The provisional airdates for "History of Horror" are Monday 11th, 18th and 25th October. 
Emily Booth : "Remember, 'people power' means gold - it's all about numbers in this industry so get on board, show your support for this campaign and they might just listen!"

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